STARLIGHT Tourist Destination Region
Starlight Tourist Destinations are places to visit, which boast superb attributes for stargazing and, protected from light pollution, are perfectly suited for tourism activities based on this natural resource.

Campos de Hellín

What is Starlight?

Starlight is an institution with backing from UNESCO, the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and the International Astronomical Union (IAU), which certifies, using criteria jointly developed by professionals from various international organisations, the best places in the world for astronomical observation.


To certify a Starlight Tourist Destination -as in the case of the Serranía de Cuenca Astronomy Park-, the area must pass an exhaustive astronomical audit on the quality of the sky and the means to guarantee its protection, and a further tourism assessment accrediting the infrastructures, activities, and integration in the night-time environment suitable for offering quality astrotourism.

Sky forecast

Tonight March 26, 2025
Serranía de Cuenca
  • 20h
    Parcialmente despejado
  • 22h
  • 24h
  • 02h
  • 04h
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  • 08h
Next days
  • J27
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  • D30
Tonight March 26, 2025
Valle de Alcudia y Sierra Madrona
  • 20h
  • 22h
  • 24h
    Parcialmente despejado
  • 02h
    Parcialmente despejado
  • 04h
  • 06h
    Parcialmente despejado
  • 08h
    Parcialmente despejado
Next days
  • J27
  • V28
  • S29
  • D30
Tonight March 26, 2025
Sierra del Segura
  • 20h
    Parcialmente despejado
  • 22h
  • 24h
  • 02h
    Parcialmente despejado
  • 04h
    Parcialmente despejado
  • 06h
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    Parcialmente despejado
Next days
  • J27
    Parcialmente despejado
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  • S29
  • D30
Tonight March 26, 2025
Sierra del Alcaraz y Campo de Montiel
  • 20h
    Parcialmente despejado
  • 22h
  • 24h
    Parcialmente despejado
  • 02h
  • 04h
    Parcialmente despejado
  • 06h
    Parcialmente despejado
  • 08h
    Parcialmente despejado
Next days
  • J27
    Parcialmente despejado
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  • D30
Tonight March 26, 2025
  • 20h
    Parcialmente despejado
  • 22h
    Parcialmente despejado
  • 24h
  • 02h
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  • 06h
  • 08h
Next days
  • J27
    Parcialmente despejado
  • V28
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  • D30
Tonight March 26, 2025
La Manchuela
  • 20h
    Parcialmente despejado
  • 22h
    Parcialmente despejado
  • 24h
    Parcialmente despejado
  • 02h
  • 04h
    Parcialmente despejado
  • 06h
  • 08h
Next days
  • J27
    Parcialmente despejado
  • V28
  • S29
  • D30

Starlight Tourist Destination

Cuenca Highlands

The Astronomical Park is part of the Serranía de Cuenca Natural Park: an area of high environmental value, protected as a Natural Site of National Interest and part of the Natura 2000 Network. Visitors can embark on multiple excursions in the surrounding area: Ciudad Encantada and the Callejones de Las Majadas, El Hosquillo, source of the Cuervo River, Uña Lagoon, the Devil's Window and Júcar cliffs, Solán de Cabras, etc.

Starlight Tourist Destination

Alcudia Valley and the Sierra Madrona

The Alcudia Valley and Sierra Madrona Natural Park has superbly conserved ecosystems, making it extremely important in terms of the geological heritage, biodiversity, and landscape of Castilla-La Mancha. Eight local municipalities have joined the Starlight initiative: Almodóvar del Campo, Fuencaliente, Mestanza, Cabezarrubias del Puerto, Hinojosa de Calatrava, Brazatortas, Solana del Pino and San Lorenzo de Calatrava.

Starlight Tourist Destination

Segura Mountains

The extensive, varied terrain of the Sierra del Segura contains numerous attractive and unique natural spaces with mountains and rivers, canyons, and vast valleys. The region, which owes its name to the main river that irrigates the area, stretches to the southwest of the province of Albacete, in the southernmost part of Castilla-La Mancha, bordering Jaén, Granada and Murcia.

Starlight Tourist Destination

Alcaraz Mountain Range and Campo de Montiel

Sierra de Alcaraz and Campo de Montiel are lands whose natural wealth extends from the Mundo River waterfall to the Ruidera lagoons. The region is in the southwest of the province of Albacete, bordering the provinces of Ciudad Real and Jaén. Historically, it has been the meeting point of Andalusia, Levante, and La Mancha, giving it a rich character reflected in its people, crafts and gastronomy.

Starlight Tourist Destination

Guadalajara Skies

The Guadalajara regions of the Sierra Norte and Molina-Alto Tajo, and a total of 161 towns, make up this Starlight Tourist Destination. Stunningly beautiful protected natural spaces guarantee the region’s natural wealth. Mountains, countryside, glacis with stones, highlands, barren areas, and forests make up a landscape that contains a rich variety of fauna and flora.

Starlight Tourist Destination

La Manchuela

Visit a region with an unspoiled ecosystem, nice spots for a stroll, culinary delights, as well as medicinal baths, and enjoy the feeling of balance, peace of mind and serenity, so often difficult to come across in modern times. In short, you’ll feel as if time were standing still.

Starlight Tourist Destination


El destino Cabañeros se encuentra en el centro de la Península Ibérica entre las provincias de Ciudad Real y Toledo, dentro de los Montes de Toledo e incluye a los municipios que forman el Área de Influencia Socioeconómica del Parque Nacional y a aquellos integrados como territorio Carta Europea de Turismo Sostenible.

Starlight Tourist Destination

Campos de Hellín

La comarca Campos de Hellín se extiende al sureste de la provincia de Albacete, en el límite con la región de Murcia, donde el paisaje se caracteriza por la presencia de amplios valles, cultivados de viñedos, olivares, almendros y albaricoqueros, separados por algunas sierras de moderada altitud.

Starlight Tourist Destination

Monteibérico-Corredor de Almansa

Monte Ibérico-Corredor de Almansa es una mancomunidad española de municipios situados al sudeste de la provincia de Albacete, limitando con la Comunidad Valencia. Es uno de los 17 pasos naturales de la península y fue utilizado por diversas civilizaciones lo que fue dejando vestigios romanos e íberos a su paso. Un ejemplo de ello son los castillos de Almansa o Chinchilla de Montearagón, el poblado de ibérico del Amarejo o vías de comunicación que podemos encontrarnos.

Starlight Tourist Destination

Júcar-Mancha Centro

Todos sus pueblos poseen un marcado carácter manchego de horizontes abiertos e infinitos, ideales para la observación del firmamento, y un atractivo proveniente del valle del Júcar, fértil y próspero, y cuyas aguas subterráneas permiten los cultivos de la vid y el cereal.


After securing status as a “Starlight Tourist Destination”, a key part of the certification involves scheduling and carrying out astronomical activities. This section will ensure you stay up to date with the latest news.

Starlight Tourist Destinations 2023. Castilla-La Mancha Tourism

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